Appendix: Terms and Definitions

Assessment - the process of gathering information about an individual's knowledge, skills, abilities, or other characteristics, usually accomplished through the use of instruments such as tests or via observations or interviews.

Binary Test Items - characterized by their simplicity and the requirement for students to select either a "Yes" or "No" response or determine whether a statement is "True" or "False," these test items are widely used in assessments to measure students' lower-level understanding of specific concepts or factual knowledge.

Discriminating Index - this is a statistical measure that indicates the relationship (i.e., correlation) between the overall score on a test and how well individuals answered a specific test item. A positive discriminating power indicates that students who do poorly on the overall test tend to do poorly on the test item. Conversely a negative discriminating power indicates that students who do well on the overall test tend to do poorly on the test item.

Evaluation - the process of making judgments or decisions based on the results of an assessment. As the "valu(e)" in "evaluation" suggests, these judgments are made based on some previously established system of values.

Grading - the process of assigning measurements or scales to an assessment.

If...Then...Binary Test Item - this form of the true/fase test item presents two true statements, and asks students to analyze the causal relationship between them.

Item Difficulty - this statistic indicates the percentage of people who got a test item correct. The lower the percentage, the more difficult the test item.

Multiple Binary Choice Test Item - this form of binary test item is similar to a context-dependent test question, it tasks learners with answering multiple binary test items in reference to a provided context.

Performance Assessment - this is one of the two primary types of assessment and requires students to demonstrate their understanding or ability by completing complex tasks or projects.

Scoring - see Grading

Testing - the process of using a measurement instrument or tool to determine an individual's knowledge, skills, abilities, or other characteristics.

Traditional assessment - this is one of the two primray types of assessment, typically consisting of multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill-in-the-blank, or constructed response test questions. Traditional assessments measure a student's understanding of factual knowledge, recall of information, and comprehension of concepts.

True/False - see Binary Test Items

True/False Correction - this type of binary test item can measure higher order thinking skills by combining binary test items and constructed response test items.

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