Argumentative Essays AK

Example Essay

  1. Exercise: Analyze an essay

    1. Yes
    2. Yes (Technology is increasing loneliness in children, teenagers, and college students in our society today.)
    3. Yes (Technology makes children alone. Technology also makes teenagers more lonely. Finally, college students face loneliness due to technology. While these three groups of people can clearly be negatively affected by technology, it is important to note that many people do not view technology as completely isolating.)
    4. Yes
    5. Yes
    6. Yes
    7. Yes
    8. Yes
    9. Yes (In sum, we can see that technology use can isolate young people from the time they are born until they are ready to start their careers.)
    10. Prediction


  1. Exercise: Revise thesis statements

    1. While many people focus on the benefits of social media, the negative effects on physical and mental health outweigh the benefits.
    2. Countries around the world should move away from using fossil fuels because of the consequences for both the environment and our health.
    3. There are many important impacts of a college education, such as increases in earning power, employment opportunities, and health.
    4. Although there is a disagreement currently among US citizens, the benefits of vaccines make it clear that they are necessary.
    5. Taking General Education courses significantly increases college students' ability to make the best career choice.
    6. In today's world of internet celebrities, streamers have the strongest influence on today's young people.
    7. Governments need to be involved in the censorship of social media sites.
    8. For the many problems facing our world today, humanity and our choices as a society are the major contributing factors
  2. Exercise: Revise the outline (Answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. Rewrite thesis to be more direct.
    2. Fix the flow of topic sentences to be more logical.
    3. Rewrite restated thesis.


  1. Exercise: Write a body paragraph

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided


  1. Exercise: Revise for unity and development (Answers will vary, example provided)

    1. Meat contains essential nutrients that we cannot find in vegetables. Vitamin B12 is one of the nutrients that is difficult to find in a vegetarian diet, and most vegetarians have a deficit of this important nutrient. This vitamin is essential because it "is required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis" (Vitamin B12, 2016). Without this vitamin our bodies could be greatly affected and people would start to feel some symptoms related with deficit of vitamin B12 such as, anemia, weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, constipation, fatigue, neurological damage and some other symptoms. Because nobody wants to have some of these affections, people should eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and other dairy products so that they cannot suffer from a deficit of this important vitamin (Gunnars, 2015). Through this example, it is clear that meat is a source of necessary nutrients and should be part of any diet.
  2. Exercise: Check your essay

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided
  3. Exercise: Revise a paragraph (Answers will vary, example provided)

    1. Secondly, GMO cause mutations in DNA, and are closely tied to cancer and other diseases, and thus mutagenic substances can have dire effects on human health (Norris, 2015). This consequence of GMOs was demonstrated in a French study carried out by Gilles-Eric Seralini. The research was conducted on 200 rats divided into three groups for two years before evaluating the effects. The conclusions are chilling. The group fed with genetically modified maize produced with Roundup, began to show serious illnesses (huge mammary gland tumors in females and diseases of the kidneys and liver in males) after thirteen months. Another example of how GMOs can negatively impact heath is seen in the products (MON 810 maize and potato Amflora) used to feed livestock in the European Union. Although the impact is again only seen in animals, it was reported that, "The cattle are killed too early because you can experience the negative effects of GM foods on the long run. The life expectancy of these animals is between 15 and 20 years, but now are felled to five, three years, 18 months or even earlier" (needs a reference). If these impacts can be seen in animals after a short period of time consuming GMOs, it is obvious that the GMOS consumed by humasn over the last 15 years are dangerous.

Revise an Essay

  1. Exercise: Revise an essay

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided

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