Descriptive Essays AK


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Example Essay

  1. Exercise: Analyze an essay

    1. Yes
    2. Yes (Thomas Edison became one of the most well-known inventors due to his ability to solve problems, collaborate, and persevere.)
    3. Yes (It is first important to recognize that Edison's innovation made him one of the most well-known inventors of his century. A prime example of Edison's pioneering work was the first machine that could record sound. After he created the phonograph, Edison created the first practical electrically-powered light. The other invention for which Edison earned wide acclaim was the alkaline storage battery. With the inventions of the phonograph, electric lights, and the alkaline battery, Edison clearly established himself as an innovator, but the inventions alone do not give sufficient insight into the reasons for his success. One of the qualities that contributed to Edison's incredible success was his ability to identify and solve problems. Edison didn't work to solve these problems, alone, however, and his ability to collaborate with other people contributed to his success as an inventor. Even with his great problem-solving ability and supportive teams, Edison would not have become such a successful inventor if he had not continued to work in the face of difficulty.)
    4. Yes
    5. Yes
    6. Yes
    7. The section about inventor is the most developed (multiple body paragraphs on this topic). The last body paragraph in the section "inventor" is not very well developed.
    8. Yes
    9. Yes, (His tenacity, collaboration, and innovation led Thomas Edison to become a very successful inventor.)
    10. Opinion


  1. Exercise: Revise thesis statements (Answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. Abraham Lincoln is one of the most recognized Presidents of the United States of American because of his leadership and vision.
    2. Amelia Earhart was a trailblazer for equality because of how she showed the world that there was room for women in aviation.
    3. The accomplishments and impacts of Hellen Keller have lead to her becoming a well-known figure in histroy.
    4. Because of his unique perspective on all of his areas of interests, Leonardo Da Vinci had a lasting impact in the world.
    5. Walt Disney is a famous figure in history because of his contributions to motion-picture production, his innovations to animation, and his memorable characters.
    6. The impact of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas forever changed the world.
    7. William Tyndale had a significant impact on the world of Christianity because of his translation of the Bible.
    8. The powerful example Mother Teresa gave of offering love and service made her a very influential person.
  2. Exercise: Complete an outline

    1. (Thesis) Sir Isaac Newton's influence on the world stems from his scientific discoveries and impact on other scientists.
    2. (Restatement) The important scientific discoveries and subsequent impact on the works of other scientists are the two major contributions of Sir Isaac Newton on the world. 


  1. Exercise: Write a body paragraph

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided
  2. Exercise: Write a body paragraph

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided


  1. Exercise: Check your essay

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided
  2. Exercise: Revise a paragraph

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided
    2. Answers will vary, no examples provided

Revise an Essay

  1. Exercise: Revise an essay

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided

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