Using Sources AK

Finding Sources

  1. Exercise: Find Sources

    1. Answers will vary, but here is an example you can use to demonstrate this exercise to the students
    2. Search Term

      Name of Article

      Name of Journal/Website Section of Essay I Think It Will Support

      "impacts of COVID" and "mental health"

      Short‐term impacts of COVID‐19 on family caregivers: Emotion regulation, coping, and mental health.

      Journal of Clinical Psychology (2022, volume 78, issue 2, starting on page 357)

      The second point of the thesis statement; how mental health impacts more than just one person


  1. Exercise: Create Citations

    1. (Byas, 2021, p. #) or According to Byas (2021), "xxxx" (p. #).
    2. (Bouillon-Minois et al., 2022, p. #) or As stated by Bouillon-Minois et al. (2021), "xxxx" (p. #).
    3. (Coleman, 2021, p. #) *Because this is more of an encyclopedia style article, it would be unusual to state the author's name in the introductory phrase. It would be more common to introduce the topic such as Grenada is a Caribbean island that is known for "xxxx" (p. #). 
  2. Exercise: Create More Citations

    1. (Solly, 2022, para. #) or Solly (2022) explained that "xxxx" (para. #).
    2. (Klebnikov, 2022, para. #) or For example, Klebnikov (2022) indicated that "xxxx" (para. #).
    3. (Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d., para. #) or As described in Encyclopaedia Britannica (n.d.), Ōe Kenzaburō "xxxx" (para. #).


  1. Exercise: Quoting

    1. Answers will vary. An example of the economic benefit of GMOs was demonstrated by the prediction by Franks (1999) that "a global market value for GM crops of over US$2 billion [was] expected by the year 2000" (p. 566). As the demand for food has continued to increase, the value of GMOs has as well.
  2. Exercise: Quoting

    1. Although many people join online dating services to form connections, Sharma (2021) explains that there is a "risk of meeting people who are not interested in developing deep and meaningful relationships" (para. 13). This can lead to feeling disappointed in the connections you try to make when nothing significant comes from the interaction. 


  1. Exercise: Summarize

    1. Answers will vary. There are different reasons why food is wasted, but spoilage can happen from the moment food is harvested on the farm all the way to when consumers buy or cook more than necessary (USDA, n.d.)
  2. Exercise: Summarize

    1. Answers will vary. Procrastinating means people avoid a task, and this can potentially lead to feelings of guilt or boredom, as well as a reinforced feeling of dread over the activity that is being avoided (Gort et al., 2021).


  1. Exercise: Choose the best paraphrase

    1. A
    2. B
  2. Exercise: Write paraphrases

    1. Answers will vary. Mr Paumen of the Netherlands is a self-described biohacker, a word for an individual who enhances performance by integrating technology into the human body. Pauman's total of 32 implanted biohacks include door-opening chips and magnets (Latham, 2022, para. 32). 
    2. Answers will vary. Although lacking in a legal basis, over a hundred micronations such as Atlantium exist worldwide. The fact that these micronations do not have the support of recognized nations, they are determined to present the same degree of ritual, spectacle, and organization (Muddit, 2022, para. 2).
    3. Answers will vary. Old-growth forests not only connect us to the past but also respond to current threats in incredible ways. These forests provide a habitat for diverse flora and fauna, contain purer water, and establish complex underground connections between trees to communicate across the forest (Welch, 2022, para. 3).
    4. Answers will vary. The COVID pandemic highlighted the need for education to evolve in the following ways: flexible, individualized curriculum focused on the development of students; teaching practice that is centered in student needs and curiosity as well as being relevant and intentional; and delivery that takes full advantage of the benefits of live class and independent work (Zhao & Watterston, 2021, para. 1).

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