Glossary of Writing Terminology


making a list of all of your ideas about a topic and then finding patterns of organization and the ideas you want to develop


the signal to the reader where the ideas come from; the pattern of creating a citation will vary by style but should always directthe reader on where to find the original source


the movement from one idea to the next is logical and clear

Concluding sentence

the final idea in a paragraph that effectively ends the discussion

Controlling idea

focuses, limits, or controls the topic to make it more specific (ex. sandwiches > the best type of sandwich)


adding adequate details, examples, and support to fully present an idea 

Drafted writing

the focus is on the process of writing, meaning that the writer will make many different versions of the writing in order to improve it


to look at something and decide if it is good or if it needs to change


ideas someone gives for how to improve your writing after they finish reading it


how you organize the words on the page, there are specific rules for formatting an essay in English (indentations, 12 point font, 1 inch margins, etc)


the first sentence in an essay that is used to make the reader interested and continue to read


writing that focuses on a response to a prompt and does not have an expectation of integration


writing that requires other skills (usually reading and/or listening) to accomplish the task


a belief or point of view on a topic; not always based on fact


a group of paragraphs connected to the same topic and organized to present a big idea by presenting it in detail


the basic organization of the main idea and most important details and where they will be in the essay, this helps you to keep control of your essay


a group of sentences that are all connected by one topic and organized clearly, typically includes a topic sentence, supporting sentence, and concluding sentence


a restatement including all of the important ideas but phrased differently than the original; typically the same length as the original


the use of any ideas or words without crediting the original source


the point of view a writer approaches a topic from; does not always align with opinion


direct, unaltered words from a source

Reference Page

a list of where to find the information the writer used that are not original or general knowledge; should direct the reader to a specific book, website, or article


to say the same idea in a different way


the most important ideas expressed in a different way from the original; should be shorter than the original

Supporting sentence

follow the topic sentence and give reasons, examples, and explanations that explain it in more detail

Timed writing

the focus is on the what a writer can create with a time limit and without access to additional help

Topic sentence

the main idea for a paragraph, often the first sentence


writing all relates to the same idea and purpose

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