Listening Comprehension

Chapter 1
Listening comprehension is the ability to understand spoken language. When you comprehend what you hear, you are able to respond appropriately. You can keep up with conversations, understand stories, participate in discussions, and follow instructions.

It is essential to develop your listening comprehension as a language learner. As your listening skills improve, you will be able to understand spoken English that is faster and more complex. This will be a necessary tool for you as you move toward attending an English-medium university or a multi-lingual career.
The practices in this section of the textbook will target the following parts of listening comprehension:
  • Main ideas
  • Major details
  • Minor details
  • Implicit main ideas
  • Speaker's point of view
  • Speaker's purpose
Parts of this textbook will be used throughout your study, and you will likely need to return to these chapters as you practice more advanced skills. 
Main IdeasMajor DetailsMinor DetailsSpeaker's PurposePoint of View

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