Intensive Listening

Intensive is an adjective used to describe being very thorough, focused, and rigorous. The words intense and intensity are in the same word family, so this gives you a good idea of the hard work involved when the word intensive is used. For example, the BYU English Language Center is an intensive English program because it is challenging, focused, accelerated, and demanding.

Intensive listening means that a passage is approached very strategically. You have a plan for how you will listen to the passage to get as much language learning practice as possible from it. This may involve listening to it in sections and applying a specific strategy or listening to the complete passage multiple times. There are many benefits to intensive listening practice.

In this section of the textbook, you will approach one TED Talk from multiple angles, applying different strategies and gaining new insight into the complete passage as you do so. 
Intensive Listening Part 1Intensive Listening Part 2Intensive Listening Part 3

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