Final Speaking Review

This chapter will review the speaking skills you learned during the semester. Your teacher may assign lessons to review, or you can decide which lessons you want to review. This lesson will focus on providing practice for class time to practice these skills. However, some of the practice may require you to prepare before class.

Speaking Objectives We've Covered

  • Narrates and describes concrete and a few abstract topics comfortably in all major time frames with good control of tense and aspect.
  • Effectively supports ideas and opinions with facts, personal examples, and concrete reasons with some use of abstract examples and reasons.
  • Effectively deals with an unexpected problem, misunderstanding, or complication.
  • Effectively uses a variety of simple, compound, and complex sentence structures.
  • Uses organizational patterns to connect ideas between and within multiple paragraphs.
  • Effectively connects ideas within and between paragraphs with the help of transitions.
  • Effectively utilizes prosody to express purpose and meaning at the paragraph level.
  • Effectively adapts speech to specific audiences and contexts, including hedging to defer.

Exercise 1: World's Fair

  • In a group, you will design an upcoming World's Fair (or World's Expo). Traditionally, the event would focus on technological innovations and sharing of culture. 
  • Decide the following as a group:
    • Where will it be located
    • What are the 4 main exhibitions you would include (2 technology and 2 cultural)
    • What would the main architectural attraction be (ex. Eiffel Tower in Paris from 1889 or Ferris Wheel in Chicago from 1893)
    • Why should people attend?
    • Describe what a visitor would see and do in a day
  • Present your plan to the rest of the class

Exercise 2: There Seems to Be a Problem

  • The teacher will assign partners.
  • Partner One will be given a scenario and will provide a full narration and description in the past of the situation.
    • Ex. Traveling to a new country, attending a concert, applying for a university, etc
  • After listening to the narration/description, the other partner will present a complication.
    • Ex. Flights delayed, lost ticket, late application, etc
  • Partner One will present a solution, and Partner Two will need to find a reason to reject the solution.
  • Partner One should find an additional solution. Partner Two can choose to reject or accept that solution.
  • This activity will be repeated so all students have a few opportunities to practice both roles.

Exercise 3: Questions & Answers

  • You will give a presentation on an assigned topic. Your teacher will decide if this is an individual, partner, or group assignment.
  • Prepare a 5 minute presentation.
  • Your classmates will listen.
  • The teacher will occasionally signal to the class to ask a clarifying or probing question

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