Universal Design for Learning & Disability - Multiple Entry Points

by Maya Israel & Meg J. Ray

Multiple Entry Points to Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that anticipates all sorts of variance in our students and proactively plans learning experiences that will work for the most students possible. UDL is designed to be implemented in all types of classrooms for the benefit of all students, including students with disabilities. In this module, we will also be addressing disability and ableism, especially as they relate to CS.

We all approach this topic with different levels of experience and prior knowledge. We'd like you to begin this chapter by selecting the entry point that is right for you. To select your entry point, click on the prompt of your choice to view the introductory materials. After reading and viewing the materials, reflect on the questions below.

Level  Entry Point

New to UDL Level

(UDL, what’s that?)


UDL at a Glance 


What is Universal Design for Learning?

Familiar with UDL Level 

(UDL, yeah I’ve heard of it!)


End of Average


Reading Rockets: UDL: Meeting the Needs of All Learners

Proficient with UDL

(UDL, that’s what I do everyday!)



Designing Inclusive and Accessible K-12 CS Education

Minutes 8:45 - 24:02 Only


To What Extent are Students with Disabilities Included in K-12 CS Education?

Reflection Exercises

The Concept of UDL is not new. In fact, you probably recognize some of these strategies from your own teaching.

  • What aspects of UDL do you currently implement?
  • What aspects of UDL seem confusing?
  • What aspects of UDL seem challenging to implement? Exciting to implement? Why?

Suggested Citation

Advancing Educational Equity in Computer Sciencehttps://edtechbooks.org/aeecs

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