Case Study



Case study requires learners to read a “real-life” case and then answer, discuss, or argue open-ended questions, “What would you do in this situation?” or to develop solutions with accompanying data to analyze. Case assignments can be done individually or in teams so that the learners can brainstorm solutions and share the workload.


A major advantage of teaching with case studies is that the learners actively engage in figuring things from the examples. This develops skills in problem-solving, analytical skills (quantitative and/or qualitative), decision making, and coping with ambiguities.

When this works well

Case study works well in settings where there are “real-world” situations to explore and apply learning.


QM: 3.3, 5.2, 6.2

UDL: 7.2, 8.3, 9.2, 3.2, 3.4, 6.3

Instructions for Learners and Faculty

Initial Post

Carefully read through the Social Work Case Study and answer the following questions in the discussion forum. To help answer questions for the case study, refer to Social Work: Policy and Legal Frameworks.

Discussion Questions:

Reply Post

Provide to two of your classmates. Replies must include strong evidence from Social Work: Policy and Legal Frameworks to develop and logically support your alternative perspectives or counterclaims.

Recommended reading for this activity includes:

Grading Criteria

Your forum posts will be evaluated according to the criteria found in the following grading rubric. You will receive a score out of 15 possible points for your initial post and your two replies.

Requires Additional Support

(1 Point)

Meets Expectations

(2 Points)

Exceeds Expectations

(3 Points)

Content Knowledge

Discussion promotes uncertain or misguided use of concepts.

Posts demonstrate participants have not fully grasped content knowledge. This is evidenced with little or no use of concepts and terminology across threads.

Examples are correct with some details.

Discussion promotes the basic use of content.

Posts demonstrate participants’ adequate understanding of content knowledge.

This is evidenced by the use of concepts and terminology across

some posts/threads.

Examples depict an understanding of concepts and are clear and accurate.

Discussion promotes the sophisticated use of content.

Posts demonstrate participants’

mastery of content knowledge. This is evidenced by extensive use of concepts and terminology across most or all posts/threads.

Examples depict understanding of concepts and are clear and accurate. Posts engage concepts critically


Posts connect to the assignment/previous posts by addressing most or all its components and linking to course material or topics learned.

Posts draw insightful links between the course content and professional practice, with a detailed explanation of participants’ own professional practice.

Posts connect to the assignment/previous posts by addressing some of its components. Relevant course topics are mentioned with connections to course material or topics learned with some details/ elaboration.

Posts draw links between course content and the participants’ own professional practice, with some elaboration still needed.

Posts connect to the assignment/ previous posts by addressing most or all its components, and linking to course material or topics learned.

Posts draw insightful links between course content and professional practice, with a detailed explanation of participants’ own professional practice.


Posts are disjointed

Posts mostly point to areas of agreement or disagreement and asking clarification questions about previous posts.

Discussion across the posts serves to build new ideas or stimulate further insight.


Student shows little or no initiative by posting replies or comments after more than 1 week.

Student suggests very few or no ideas that encourage responses. The discussion begins late or not at all.

Student shows some initiative by posting replies or comments within 1 Week.

Student invites responses from classmates.

Discussion comes to a close by deadline.

Student shows a high initiative by posting replies or comments within 2-3 days.

Student invites responses from classmates and engages in meaningful interaction in the discussions.

The discussion comes to a close by a deadline.


Overall, the student does not always follow online conventions, does not extend courtesy towards fellow classmates, makes curt responses or uses overly critical tone in posts.

Student does not often acknowledge previous posts.

Overall the student follows online conventions, extend courtesy towards fellow participants by being respectful, polite and adopting a positive tone in posts.

Overall the student follow online conventions, extend courtesy towards fellow classmates by being respectful, polite and adopting a positive tone in posts.

The student compliments and provides constructive feedback to previous posts.


Discussion Thread: How would you recognize the signs of child of neglect in this case study? (Social Work)

“There are many signs or indicators of child neglect. I would first focus on the physical indicators, such as the clothes they wear or if their hygiene is consistently bad (unbathed, matted or unwashed hair, body odor, etc.”

 “External signs, such as the clothes the child wears or their hygiene could be used to recognize signs of neglect, but a better sign would be to look at the emotional signs, the relationship between the caregiver and the child. I would examine things like limited physical contact with a child—no hugs, kisses, or other signs of affection or Frequent yelling, threatening, or bullying.”


Gilbert, P. K., & Dabbagh, N. (2005). How to structure online discussions for meaningful discourse: A case study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(1), 5-18. Retrieved from

Updated 12/1/2022

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