Challenge Questions



Challenge questions forums are mini case studies, presenting a short scenario and asking “how would you handle this situation?” Think of a “drill” exercise. The instructor can set up the forum where they pose the question and learners reply with their solution or how they’d handle the situation. Other learners can reply or comment on the replies of their classmates.


This type of discussion forum presents a scenario based on a situation learners could encounter in the “real world” and develops skills in thinking “on the fly”, problem-solving, and decision making and rationalizing decisions.

When this works well

Challenge questions are similar to case studies where this exercise explores and applies knowledge/skill to “real-world” situations, but in smaller/”micro” situations.

Quality Matters uses a Challenge Questions style discussion forum in the Course Review Manager Certification. learners learn about the roles and responsibilities of a Certified Course Review Manager as well as the policies and procedures of managing a course review. Throughout the course, eight scenarios are posted to learners by the instructor. learners need to reply to four of the questions and also reply to two of their classmates.



UDL: 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 5.3,

Instructions for Learners and Faculty


In the Challenge Questions Forum, you will read and reply to "challenge questions" related to [topic or subject].

The purpose of the Challenge Questions Forum is to give you an opportunity to apply what you are learning in the course to challenging situations you may encounter as a [profession] and to interact with your colleagues by sharing ideas, making suggestions, and asking further questions.


The Challenge Questions Forum aligns with the following course goals:


The time estimated to complete the Challenge Questions Forum is [X] hours.


Starting on [Week X/ Module X] of the course and ending on [Week X/ Module X], I will post a new challenge question [day of the week] for a total of [X] challenge questions.

Read the posted challenge question.

Reflect on how you would answer the question.

Post your reply to at least [X] questions (Note, you are not required to answer every posted question). The more you practice, however, the more you will experience “real-life” situations encountered by [profession].

Read and reply to at least [X] of your classmates' posts with input, suggestions, or further questions.


To successfully complete the Challenge Questions Forum, you must post an initial reply to at least [X] challenge questions, and reply to at least [X] classmates’ two colleague posts (overall, not for each question). See the Discussion Forum Rubric for details.

Grading Criteria

Your forum posts will be evaluated according to the criteria found in the following grading rubric. You will receive a score out of 15 (5 possible points for your initial post and 5 each for your two replies.)





Your response addresses all the components of the challenge scenario.



Your response exemplifies critical thinking on the topic.



There are clear connections to research or resources supporting your initial response.



Your post invites discussion and expansion of your initial response.


Online Etiquette

You communicate effectively and respectfully with your classmates


Total points possible for your initial response



Discussion Thread

SUBJECT: Introducing New Products in Foreign Markets

What would be your approach for introducing a product into a foreign market? What are the risks and benefits to consider i.e. producing in your own country vs producing in the new country, etc?

RE: Introducing New Products in Foreign Markets

To introduce a new product to a foreign market, I would first study the competition in the country and identify my target my ideal customer (being sensitive to cultural customs and norms). Then I would create a unique value proposition and define my market strategy and tactics for introducing this product. Finally, I would run a test of my concept and market approach and finally roll out the marketing campaign. It is also very important to know my product’s lifecycle to that and have a plan for continuous improvement to keep my concept fresh.


Srba, I., Savic, M., Bielikova, M., Ivanovic, M., & Pautasso, C. (2019). Employing community question answering for online discussions in university courses: Students’ perspective. Computers & Education, 135, 75-90.

Updated 12/1/2022

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