

Games involve challenges, and educational researchers point out that the most effective learning takes place when challenges are involved. Games also help learners to keep their interest in learning.

In brief, using games can create a productive and enjoyable learning environment if you use them properly.

Scenario: Using games to help students remember vocabulary

Hannah applied for an EFL job in Mexico and got accepted to work at a small language school. She did not have much experience in teaching English so she decided to follow the textbook as much as possible. She was assigned to teach a reading class which required students to memorize a vast amount of vocabulary. Two weeks later, students were complaining about how difficult it was for them to memorize many words and to recall the already learned words later. The students asked Hannah if she could come up with a better and creative way of teaching vocaublary.
When Hannah asked other experienced teachers for help, they all said the same thing: “Use some fun games to review vocabulary at the end of every lesson.” Experienced teachers suggested that playing games is an excellent way to help students naturally use words repetitively. They also told her that this sort of repetition helps students to remember the learned words longer.
Hannah started thinking about what kinds of games and activities she could use in her English lessons and how she could use them to review vocabulary. She also worried, however, that she might look unprofessional using games in her teaching.

Reflection questions

  • What would you do if you had students complaining about having to memorize too much vocabulary and it was overwhelming for them to remember all the words they have previously learned?
  • Which types of games might you use when you teach English?
  • Where could you find them?
  • What characteristics would you look for when selecting games for language teaching?
  • How should you use games in your language classes without looking unprofessional?

Objectives of this unit

After you work through this unit, you will be able to…

The least you should know

Games can be great tools for teaching almost every aspect of language, but especially good for reviewing the lesson and help students recall what they have learned such as vocabulary and grammar rules. They can be used for practicing all the skills (all of the English language elements) and at all stages of teaching and learning English language. Games can provide both rehearsed and extemporaneous, language practice. Either way, they can be productive and enjoyable if done right.
You should always have a clear instructional purpose in using games, and if your students are adults, you may also need to explain it to them. Games must be an integrated part of an entire lesson, not just a playful, unconnected activity that makes you appear unprepared or unprofessional.
This unit will cover four major topics related to the use of games and effective activities for language teaching: The benefits of games in language learning, ways of using games, criteria for selecting appropriate songs for language teaching, and types of games for different skill areas.

Benefits of using games

Ways of teaching games

When using games to teach English, you need to:

Selecting games for language teaching

For successful language teaching, choose games that:

Be creative and make your own games by studying magazines, newspapers, radio and TV programs and by asking your learners and searching online (e.g., for more see the list at the end of this unit.) 

Collect and file games for use whenever you happen to come across them. If you don’t, you may not be able to find them later when you need them.

Have students create their own games in a group and use them as a review. This is a great way for students to review the concepts they learned by creating and including what they have learned in their games.

Types of games

Here are some examples of games that have been used successfully for English teaching. For more examples or ideas, see the “Where to go to learn more” section at the end of this unit.

Number games

Vocabulary games

Games for reviewing vocabulary words

Games for speaking practice with questions

A useful game for Listening 

A useful game for Writing


Games must be an integrated part of an entire lesson, not just a playful, unconnected activity that makes you appear unprepared or unprofessional. Also the use of games needs to have a clear instructional purpose. Plan to use games in your lessons ahead of time and use them to facilitate your teaching.

Some games are not helpful for language learning or are not practical for classroom use.
Be careful with…

Video Examples

Suitcase game: Here is a video clip that shows two teachers in Thailand using a game with young English language learners. This game uses clothing in a suitcase to review and practice clothing vocabulary the students learned previously. The students are excited and motivated to learn or review vocabulary by playing this fun game.

Comprehension and reflection questions

Think about each of the following questions related to the video you just watched. Write a sentence or two in response to each one.

  • Was there anything that the teacher did well or poorly? Why do you think so?
  • How did the teacher correct the students’ errors?
  • Compare the teacher’s and students’ actions to what you read in the “The Least You Should Know” section above.
  • How do these teachers’ and students’ use of games compare to your own teaching or learning experiences?

Where to go to learn more

If you want to know more about using games for language teaching, you can refer to these additional resources.

Connections to other units in this program

Online and other electronic resources

Caption The Tesol Zone introduces various EFL games that focus on giving students opportunities to practice their English as much as possible. The introduced games can be used for practicing various English language skills (Listening, Speaking, etc.) and elements (vocabulary, grammar, etc.) ESL Activities provides many resources for classroom activities and games. The website has many great teacher tools and online activities.

esl cafe webpage Dave’s ESL Cafe provides countless activities and games that are posted by experienced ESL/EFL teachers themselves. You can find many useful games and activities from the Idea Cookbook section.

media lab webpage English Exercises Online provides many valuable interactive materials, both for learners and teachers to practice and use grammar and vocabulary.

Print and paper-based resources

games for language learning front coverWright, A. (2006). Games for Language Learning (3rd ed.) Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521618229
Wright’s book explains how games provide meaningful and enjoyable language practice for all age groups and all skill areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Clear instruction is given for the preparation of each game and its use.


games for language learning front coverLee, W.R. (1986). Language Teaching Games and Contests (2nd ed.) Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0-19-432716-7
This classic book includes hundreds of ways of using games in the language classroom. Lee’s book consists of various creative games for each skill area with the indication of the age, level and group size.


Andrade, M. S. (2009) (Editor). Language Games: Innovative Activities for Teaching English. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. ISBN: 978-1931185530

Andrade’s book is an excellent resource for ESL/EFL teachers who need creative activities and games for their classrooms. It provides many games that can be used with students at different proficiency levels and for teaching various language skills.

If you have suggestions for other resources (books, websites, etc.), please send them to

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