Jordan District 2022-2023


Jordan.jpegSession 1: Civic Preparation and Engagement

Creating citizens

Prater, M. A. (2017, Spring). Creating citizens. Y Magazine,

Education for everyone: Chapter 3: Context of schooling in a democracy

Goodlad, J. I., Mantle-Bromley, C., & Goodlad, S. J. (2004).  The context of schooling in a democracy. Education for everyone : Agenda for education in a democracy (pp. 35-56).  Wiley.

Eduction for everyone: Chapter 5: Democracy, education, and the human conversation

Goodlad, J. I., Mantle-Bromley, C., & Goodlad, S. J. (2004).  Democracy, education, and the human conversation. Education for everyone : Agenda for education in a democracy (pp. 81-100). Wiley.

For the common good

CITES. (2021). For the Common Good: Recommitting to Public Education in a Time of Crisis. In CITES, Commitments to Schooling,

Love your enemies: Chapter 1: The culture of contempt

Brooks, A. C. (2019).  The culture of contempt. Love your enemies: How decent people can save American from the culture of contempt (pp. 19-44).  Broadside Books.

Love your enemies: Chapter 2: Can you afford to be nice?

Brooks, A. C. (2019).  Can you afford to be nice?. Love your enemies: How decent people can save American from the culture of contempt (pp. 45-64).  Broadside Books.

Love your enemies: Chapter 8: Please disagree with me

Brooks, A. C. (2019).  Please disagree with me. Love your enemies: How decent people can save American from the culture of contempt (pp. 175-200).  Broadside Books.

Revolutionary characters (Assigned Chapter)

Wood, G. S. (2006).  Revolutionary characters: What made the founders different. Penguin Press

Introduction to civic preparation and engagement

CITES (2021). Introduction to civic preparation and engagement.  In CITES, Commitments to Schooling,

Session 2: Equitable Access to Academic Knowledge and Achievement

Children of the Dust Bowl

Stanley, J. (2014). Children of the Dust Bowl: The true story of the school at Weedpatch Camp.  Random House.


Reynolds, J. (2016). Ghost. Atheneum.

How poverty affects classroom engagement

Jensen, E. (2013). How poverty affects classroom engagement.  Educational Leadership, 70(8), p. 24-30.

I wish my teacher knew: Chapter 2: Students and poverty

Schwartz, K. (2016). Students and poverty: Building on resources and breaking down barriers. In I wish my teacher knew: How one question can change everything for our kids. (p. 40-69). Hachette Books.

I wish my teacher knew: Chapter 3: All families count

Schwartz, K. (2016). All families count: Including families in all their forms. In I wish my teacher knew: How one question can change everything for our kids. (p. 70-87). Hachette Books.

I wish my teacher knew: Chapter 4: We will get through this together

Schwartz, K. (2016). We will get through this together: Supporting through grief and loss. In I wish my teacher knew: How one question can change everything for our kids. (p. 88-119). Hachette Books.

I wish my teacher knew: Chapter 5: When students are in danger

Schwartz, K. (2016). When students are in danger: Supporting students in the trauma-informed. In I wish my teacher knew: How one question can change everything for our kids. (p. 120-145). Hachette Books.

Introduction to equitable access

CITES (2021). Introduction to equitable access to academic knowledge and achievement.  In CITES, Commitments to Schooling.

Love your enemies: Chapter 5: The power and peril of identity

Brooks, A. C. (2019).  The power and peril of identity. Love your enemies: How decent people can save American from the culture of contempt (pp. 109-128).  Broadside Books.

Session 3: Engaged Learning Through Nurturing Pedagogy

Introduction to engaged learning through nurturing pedagogy

CITES (2021). Introduction to engaged learning through nurturing pedagogy.  In CITES, Commitments to Schooling.

I wish my teacher knew: Chapter 6: Value-driven classrooms

Schwartz, K. (2016). Value-driven classrooms: A school culture that develops character. In I wish my teacher knew: How one question can change everything for our kids. (p. 146-169). Hachette Books.

I wish my teacher knew: Chapter 7: You got this!

Schwartz, K. (2016). You got this! Building a classroom culture of self-efficacy. In I wish my teacher knew: How one question can change everything for our kids. (p. 170-195). Hachette Books.

I wish my teacher knew: Chapter 8: “I can’t wait to learn more”

Schwartz, K. (2016). “I can’t wait to learn more”: Classrooms where student engagement thrives. In I wish my teacher knew: How one question can change everything for our kids. (p. 196-214). Hachette Books.

Love your enemies: Chapter 6: Tell me a story

Brooks, A. C. (2019).  Tell me a story. Love your enemies: How decent people can save American from the culture of contempt (pp. 129.152).  Broadside Books.

My favorite teacher

Henshaw, V. M. My favorite teacher. In CITES, Commitments to Schooling.

Teacher as warm demander

Bondy, E. & Ross, D. D. (2008).  Teacher as warm demander.  Educational Leadership, 66(1), p. 54-58.

Teaching that sticks

Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2010).  Teaching that sticks.  Chip and Dan Heath.

Session 4: Stewardship in School and Community

Faces of stewardship

CITES. (2021). Faces of stewardship. In CITES, Commitments to Schooling.

In praise of the American educator

DuFour, R. (2015). In praise of the American educator: And how they can become even better. Solution Tree.

Introduction to stewardship in school and community

CITES (2021). Introduction to stewardship in school and community.  In CITES, Commitments to Schooling.

Love your enemies: Chapter 3: Love lessons for leaders

Brooks, A. C. (2019).  Love lessons for leaders. Love your enemies: How decent people can save American from the culture of contempt (pp. 65-86).  Broadside Books.

Reviving teaching with ‘professional capital’

Fullan, M. & Hargreaves, A. (2012). Reviving teaching with ‘professional capital’.  Education Week.

Seedfolks (Do not read before the session)

Fleischman, P. & Pedersen, J. (1997). Seedfolks. HarperTeen.

Some moral considerations on teaching as a profession

Fenstermacher, G. D. (1993).  Some moral considerations on teaching as a profession.  In John I. Goodlad, Roger Soder, Kenneth A. Sirotnik (Eds.), The Moral Dimensions of Teaching (pp. 130-151).  Jossey-Bass.

Stewardship in school and community

Parry, J. (2021). Stewardship in school and community.  In CITES, Commitments to Schooling.

Session 5: Commitment to Renewal

The change leader

Fullen, M. (2002, May 1). The change leader. Educational Leadership.

Education for everyone: Chapter 6: Renewal

Goodlad, J. I., Mantle-Bromley, C., & Goodlad, S. J. (2004).  Renewal. Education for everyone : Agenda for education in a democracy (pp. 101-124). Wiley.

Education for everyone: Chapter 7: Leadership for educational renewal

Goodlad, J. I., Mantle-Bromley, C., & Goodlad, S. J. (2004).  Leadership for educational renewal. Education for everyone : Agenda for education in a democracy (pp. 125-143). Wiley.

How do we get there from here?

Chenoweth, K. (2015, Feb. 1). How do we get there from here? Educational Leadership.

Introduction to simultaneous renewal

CITES (2021). Introduction to simultaneous renewal.  In CITES, Commitments to Schooling

Life’s real meaning is found ‘in between

Matheson, B. (2019, July 10).  Boyd Matheson: Life’s real meaning is found ‘in between.’ Deseret News.

Love your enemies: Conclusion: Five rules to subvert the culture of contempt

Brooks, A. C. (2019).  Five rules to subvert the culture of contempt. Love your enemies: How decent people can save American from the culture of contempt (pp. 201-214).  Broadside Books.

Thoughts on renewal

CITES. (2015). Thoughts on renewal. In CITES, Commitments to Schooling.

Previous Citation(s)
Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling. (2021). Commitments To Schooling.

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