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Designing Immersive Learning Experiences

An Introduction to Instructional Design for Virtual Immersive Environments


Over the past decade, VIEs have advanced, offering more impactful learning experiences than traditional methods by integrating innovative technology with sound instructional principles. The book provides a comprehensive guide to best practices and successful applications of VIEs, targeting instructional designers and educators aiming to enhance their design skills and explore VIE technology. It highlights the importance of aligning instructional design with learning objectives to create engaging, effective, and immersive educational experiences. Additionally, the text addresses the need for managing cognitive load, collaboration, and potential risks like addiction and social isolation, setting a foundation for responsible use of VIEs in educational settings.

Table of Contents

Over the past decade, VIEs have advanced, offering more impactful learning experiences than traditional methods by integrating innovative technology with sound instructional principles. The book provides a comprehensive guide to best practices and successful applications of VIEs, targeting instructional designers and educators aiming to enhance their design skills and explore VIE technology. It highlights the importance of aligning instructional design with learning objectives to create engaging, effective, and immersive educational experiences. Additionally, the text addresses the need for managing cognitive load, collaboration, and potential risks like addiction and social isolation, setting a foundation for responsible use of VIEs in educational settings.
EdTech Books

EdTech Books

CC BY: This work is released under a CC BY license, which means that you are free to do with it as you please as long as you properly attribute it.

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The publisher EdTech Books makes no copyright claim to any information in this publication and makes no claim as to the veracity of content. All content remains exclusively the intellectual property of its authors. Inquiries regarding use of content should be directed to the authors themselves.


(2024). Designing Immersive Learning Experiences. EdTech Books.
Parviz Safadel

University of Louisiana

Dr. Safadel earned his Ed.D. in Instructional design and Technology with a focus on immersive technologies from Texas Tech University in 2016. His research interests include spatial cognition in Immersive environments and serious game design and lesson development. He is an animation filmmaker and illustrator and enjoys creative activities.His areas of expertise are: Instructional / Educational Technology, Instructional Design, Game Design and Immersive Technologies, and Educational Film and Video Production
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