(Supplement) High Quality Resources on Design Thinking in Learning Design

Resource Title Description Link
IDEO's Design Thinking Website  Learn about Design Thinking from the design firm that is credited with establishing this concept. Many high quality materials, including resources for educators. https://designthinking.ideo.com/ 
What is Design Thinking? Blog post that quickly and succinctly introduces the learner to the main concepts associated with Design Thinking. https://edtechbooks.org/-Rjm 
Design thinking, explained An overview of the basics of Design Thinking, provided by MIT's Sloan School of Management. https://edtechbooks.org/-SLwd 
Making the Link Between Design Thinking and Instructional Design The well-regarded Association for Talent Development (ATD) provides a sneak peek at the book Design Thinking for Training and Development: Creating Learning Journeys That Get Results (ATD Press, June 2020), with some solid insights for new LX designers. https://edtechbooks.org/-QdAA 
How To Use Design Thinking In Learning Experience Design Practical advice for using Design Thinking within an LXD frame. https://edtechbooks.org/-ZkkZ 
Design Thinking For Instructional Design

(A four-part series)
Overview of how Design Thinking techniques can improve instructional products by means of a human-centric approach. Considers challenges related to artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Part 1: https://edtechbooks.org/-VvTr

Part 2: https://edtechbooks.org/-jFpy

Part 3: https://edtechbooks.org/-ZEJ

Part 4: https://edtechbooks.org/-CIVS 

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