

2.3. Supporting Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs

… systems embracing Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) courses. In HyFlex classes, students…… principle of dynamic stability in a HyFlex environment; extremely challenging…… considerations for administering HyFlex courses? As with the student and faculty…… policies, and practices, when HyFlex courses are brought into the curriculum…… offering courses and programs in the HyFlex mode is one that should be made…Some institutions implement HyFlex programs strategically with substantial high-level…… you are considering using the HyFlex approach in courses or programs, you should…… set of resources, then perhaps HyFlex isn’t a good choice. The type of justification…… reasons for moving forward with HyFlex. (See the case reports in Unit III for…… value that you can expect from HyFlex is only one side of the analysis. You…… decide if and how to proceed with HyFlex. Every situation will have its own…When the use of HyFlex courses in an institution grows beyond a single instructor…HyFlex courses are class sessions that allow students to choose whether to…… description as way to standardize HyFlex instructional designs (course formats,…In a HyFlex course, both fully online and fully classroom-based instruction are…… main ways students register for HyFlex courses that most institutions use: 1)…… introduce the students to the HyFlex format. The primary disadvantage of this…… communications are needed to explain the HyFlex format with participation flexibility.…… course are offered and a single HyFlex instructor is available to teach more…… that would be ideal to support HyFlex enrollment. On our campus, we use the…… administrative scheduling needs of HyFlex and avoids the expense of a formal…… primary distinguishing factor among HyFlex participation options is the way…… beginning of the course. Many HyFlex courses are listed as traditional courses…… be included in that document. HyFlex classes will use a course website, and…… unfortunately. In this way, the HyFlex experience is the same as any other course…… requirement enroll in one or more HyFlex classes at an institution. International…… courses, but may not include a fully HyFlex class). These requirements do not…Enrolling in a HyFlex class could present a problem if 1) the student has the…In a HyFlex course, both fully online and fully classroom-based instruction are…… resources to instructors teaching HyFlex classes. Four common supports are:In a HyFlex course or program, students and faculty need additional support from…… students need when beginning a HyFlex course experience? As with all instructional…… those students with little or no HyFlex experience and those who have been unable…… the class schedule available in HyFlex mode and what special arrangements are…… support is ensuring that the HyFlex guiding principle of “Accessibility”…As faculty consider using HyFlex approaches in their teaching, what support do…… participation modes. Because the HyFlex faculty isn’t giving up the traditional…In a HyFlex course, when both online and traditional students are engaged in…… support their development as HyFlex instructors, they can do this successfully.… develop some experience with HyFlex courses, their expectations may change about…… decade that we’ve been using HyFlex, we’ve seen remarkable shifts in the…… can fit in the classroom. If a HyFlex delivery approach was used, and the pedagogy…… of change happens over time. HyFlex designers, instructors and yes, even administrators…… short story was written by a HyFlex faculty shortly after a weather-related…… faculty to do? If you have a HyFlex class, you can simply require all your students…… canceled. Because I am using the HyFlex design in the courses I teach, all I…Deciding to Launch HyFlex for an InstitutionAnalyzing the Feasibility of HyFlexDefining HyFlex

2.4. Expanding the Implementation of Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs

Note: I advocate the HyFlex delivery approach for faculty and students in courses…If HyFlex course delivery makes sense for a particular context, it usually begins…When HyFlex works with an initial faculty or course, it is natural to look for…… systems. Quite often (almost always) HyFlex delivery is an innovative idea requiring…… particularly helpful in understanding HyFlex adoption and I’ll suggest some…… Departments using or considering HyFlex for one or more courses. Looking for…Faculty in programs initiating HyFlex in many courses, or administrators in an…… in programs that have adopted HyFlex completely. Not willing to change practice…… as the good idea itself. When HyFlex delivery is applied in the right situations,…… If one of these faculty adopt HyFlex, the effect may be multiplied as they communicate…… an innovation. In the case of HyFlex delivery, if students and other key stakeholders…… pragmatic faculty decide to adopt HyFlex delivery include:… leverage the characteristics of the HyFlex approach itself. What are its clear…… adopt an innovative practice like HyFlex would fall into the “First Adopter”…In the case of HyFlex, faculty members or members of the administration may play…… online, fully staffed program. HyFlex courses can be an effective bridge to…… student success, and recognize that HyFlex courses may be a vehicle to do so.…… consider the possible advantages of HyFlex delivery. Visionary projects are…Applying this to HyFlex courses, identify the people in the early majority group…… able to do both at once using HyFlex. If a program wants to alleviate scheduling…… this apply to implementing a HyFlex course design in a program? Institutions…… I am not suggesting that the HyFlex delivery is right for all situations (students,…… don’t really trust the idea of HyFlex – yet! Our continuing challenge is…… them about online, hybrid, and HyFlex course delivery, members of this group…… mode, though we do encourage HyFlex where practical, and all faculty teach some…… groups and describes possible HyFlex implementation contexts that may apply.… Group Characteristic Applied to HyFlex ImplementationHyFlex Context… face students at the same time (HyFlex) in response to an immediate, unique…HyFlex courses can help you create an online program or serve online students…… Departments using/considering HyFlex for one or more courses)… XXXX Department has been using HyFlex courses to [list the advantage they are…(Faculty in programs initiating HyFlex in many courses)We’ve been using HyFlex courses successfully in XXXX courses (or programs)…… in programs that have adopted HyFlex completely)We’ve transitioned our program to HyFlex delivery because [state reasons –…Expanding the Reach of HyFlex within the Faculty Social System… Leverage the Characteristics of HyFlex for Specific Contexts

Appendix A. Bibliography of Hybrid-Flexible Literature (using various terms)

… bibliography can be found at the HyFlex Learning Community site,…Abdelmalak, M. (March, 2013). HyFlex course design: A case study of an educational…… Learning for Adult Students: HyFlex Design. In M. Searson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings…… Opportunities for Graduate Students withHyFlex Course Design. International…… J. L. (2018). Case Study of HyFlex Course Design: Benefits and Challenges for…… (2006, October) Designing the HyFlex World- Hybrid, Flexible Classes for All…… Transitioning to an Online World: Using HyFlex Courses to Bridge the Gap. In…… for Students with Choice: The HyFlex Course and Design Process. Peer-reviewed…Beatty, B. (2008). HyFlex Delivery for US Army Counter Insurgency (COIN) Training…… Practice Award: Using the “HyFlex” Course and Design Process. Retrieved…Beatty, B. (2011, November). HyFlex Course Design: A Summary Report on Five Years…Beatty, B. (2012, April). HyFlex Course Design: The Advantages of Letting Students…… flexible participation – The HyFlex Course Design. In L. Kyei-Blankson and…… online:… Student Equity and Engagement in a HyFlex Course. In C. Allan, C. Campbell,…… things you should know about the HyFlex course model. Retrieved 04/04/2016 from…… think about hybrid-flexible, or HyFlex courses?] Revue internationale des technologies…… Herrera-Diaz, L. E. (2014). El modelo HyFlex: Una propuesta de formación híbrida…… An Exploratory Case Study of a HyFlex Learning Environment. Northeastern University,…… Examination of Learning Outcomes in HyFlex Learning Environments. In J. Sanchez…… and level of satisfaction in a HyFlex course. International Journal of Innovation…… Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in a HyFlex Course: Do Delivery Modes Matter?.…… new(-ish) learning mode: Blendflex/HyFlex. Inside Higher Ed. Available online:… physical and virtual spaces in a HyFlex pedagogic model with focus on interaction.…… Physical and Virtual Spaces in a HyFlex Pedagogic Model with a Focus on Teacher…… Evaluation of the impact of the HyFlex learning model. International Journal…… (2019). Introducing Social Work to HyFlex Blended Learning: A Student-centered…… Baham, M. E. (2018). COMPARING THE HyFlex (HYBRID-FLEXIBLE) MODEL OF COURSE…… Parra, J. L. (2018). Case Study of HyFlex Course Design: Benefits and Challenges…… Diaz, L.E.H. (2014). El modelo HyFlex: Una propuesta de formación híbrida…… Satisfaction Between Traditional and HyFlex Delivery Modalities. Dissertation…… and Gutiérrez, I. M. (2016). HyFlex, hybrid and flexible model for university…… Writers, (2013, January 17). The HyFlex Learning Model: Online Ed’s Most Customizable…Wright, D. (2016). The HyFlex Course Design: A Case Study on Adult and Career…… Chavez, N., & Gutierrez, I. (2016). HyFlex, hybrid and flexible model for university…Zemeckis, D. R. (2020). Offering a HyFlex Fisheries Science Course for Stakeholders…

1.1. Beginnings

… development of the Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) course design in the Instructional…… one term), I embarked on the HyFlex journey by adding a simple (yet effective)…… portmanteau of hybrid and flexible: HyFlex.… surface additional needs for HyFlex or similar approaches that provide flexibility…… interest in expanding the use of HyFlex, since for many emergency situations,…With the growth of HyFlex at SF State beyond the original ITEC graduate program…“In a Hybrid Flexible (HyFlex) Class, students can choose to attend class either…HyFlex courses are class sessions that allow students to choose whether…… similar – even identical – to HyFlex and others with significant differences…… were reporting our work with the HyFlex course design, and others came afterward.…… options and control, is the same as HyFlex.… description) of Mode Neutral compared to HyFlex is the emphasis in Mode Neutral…… that is essentially the same as HyFlex, though they have branded their approach…… that is essentially the same as HyFlex, though they have branded their approach…… that is essentially the same as HyFlex, though they have branded their approach…… participation mode much like HyFlex. Their report on the institutional change…… that is essentially the same as HyFlex, though they have branded their approach…… that is essentially the same as HyFlex, though they have branded their approach…… that seems to be another form of HyFlex is called “Multi-Options”. As described…… that is essentially the same as HyFlex, though they have branded their approach…… that is essentially the same as HyFlex, though they have branded their approach…… that is essentially the same as HyFlex, though they have branded their approach…… to refer to Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) courses where the student experience was…… that is essentially the same as HyFlex, though they have branded their approach…… share many characteristics with HyFlex, but all seem to differ in at least one…… shares some aspects with classic HyFlex, though it seems that students were…… reported in initial studies of HyFlex, the importance of high quality audio/video.…… the same course sections, like HyFlex does, there doesn’t seem to be any intentional…… our work with Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) course designs locally and internationally,…… (2006, October). Designing the HyFlex World- Hybrid, Flexible Classes for All…… Transitioning to an Online World: Using HyFlex Courses to Bridge the Gap. In…… think about hybrid-flexible, or HyFlex courses?] Revue internationale des technologies…… New(-ish) Learning Mode: Blendflex/HyFlex. Inside Higher Ed (January 24, 2018).…The Origins of Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) Course DesignSolving our Problem: The Genesis of HyFlex

3.13. HyFlex Teaching and Learning at Bow Valley College

… Classroom is the name for the HyFlex classroom at Bow Valley College (BVC) in…While HyFlex teaching and learning is not new, I believe that the Covid-19 pandemic…As an educator, a HyFlex teaching modality was new to me. But I also knew I didn’t…… key themes regarding how the HyFlex modality affects education and the experience…A HyFlex learning environment is generally viewed as engaging and relevant as…… their study that students in a HyFlex learning environment felt a strong sense…… organizational benefits when it comes to HyFlex teaching and learning, it is…… later research by Raes (2021) on HyFlex teaching and learning, they wanted to…… College on their experience in the HyFlex course. A total of 88 students participated,…… faculty experience teaching in the HyFlex classroom. A total of 18 faculty members…… you like about teaching in a HyFlex course? … you like about teaching in a HyFlex course?… the main disadvantages of their HyFlex learning experience was when they did…… support in creating a meaningful HyFlex learning experience. Dealing with new…… educational technology, including the HyFlex mode of teaching and learning.…… comes to student engagement in a HyFlex environment, I always want to ensure…… concerns when developing the HyFlex course lesson plan was that I never knew…… utilize this practice in every HyFlex class, and it helps students and me have…… through a full year of their HyFlex courses, so we wanted to hear from them…… education and the opportunities the HyFlex modality provides. And while the…

3.X. Contribute Your Hybrid-Flexible Story

3.18. HyFlex Programming as a Delivery Approach for Changing Student Demographics and Demands

3.17. A Pandemic HyFlex Story at Central Michigan University

3.1. Fitting Flexibility Across the Curriculum