Session 1: Introduction to AI Literacy

Know and Understand AI
Human brain juxtaposed with an AI neural network
Created with Microsoft Copilot: Designer
    Prompt: Create an image that juxtaposes a human brain with an AI neural network. Show how both process
    information, emphasizing the similarities and differences.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence. These systems learn from data, recognize patterns, and make decisions. AI encompasses various techniques, including machine learning and neural networks, enabling applications such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous vehicles. In essence, AI aims to create smart, adaptive software that mimics human cognition and problem-solving abilities.

AI is not magic, but it’s still pretty cool! It’s about creating computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. It's like having a digital assistant that can learn and make decisions on its own. 

Activity #1: Start using AI

The secret to begin improving your AI Literacy is to start using AI. If you haven't already:

  • Create a login with ChatGPT or Copilot (supported in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers).
    • If you have a ChatGPT Pro account, select GPT-4 model.
    • For Copilot, select "More Creative" for the conversational style. 
  • Ask the AI 3 questions (at minimum) that you've wondered about AI. If you don't know where to start, a good question might be: "What 3 questions should I ask to learn more about AI?", or "What are some trending topics within the AI community?"
  • After receiving responses to your questions, consider asking the AI other related questions. You can also rewrite and refine a prompt to an initial response isn't what you had hoped for. 

Machine Learning: The Learning Process

At its core, Machine Learning (ML) is like teaching a computer to learn from examples. Imagine having a pet that observes how you perform certain tasks and then mimics your behavior. ML algorithms work similarly—they analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and provide valuable insights. In doing so, ML enables computers to learn from data, adapt, and improve their performance over time.

The Role of Machine Learning in Generative AI

Generative AI takes ML a step further. Instead of making predictions about specific datasets, generative models learn to create new data. Think of it this way: ML provides the foundation, and generative AI adds the creative spark to our digital world!

Here’s how it works:

Activity #2: Collaborative Storytelling with AI

In groups of 4-5, collectively create a fictional story using the AI model you signed up with in Activity #1. Take turns adding paragraphs, then ask AI to generate suggestions for plot twists or character development.

Note: This activity can be done either in-person or synchronously in online breakout rooms.

Neural Networks: The Brain Behind AI

Neural networks serve as the backbone of generative AI, allowing us to create diverse content—from graphics and multimedia to text and music. 

Analogy: Neural networks are like interconnected brain cells in our digital brain. They process information by passing signals through layers of interconnected nodes, which is inspired by how our own brains process information

How do Neural Networks Work?

Neural networks process information by passing signals through layers of interconnected nodes. These networks recognize patterns, just like we recognize faces or objects. 

What’s the role of neural networks in AI?

Neural networks play a vital role in AI. They enable tasks such as:

Activity #3: Real world application of neural networks

Pick two of the following prompts to copy/paste into your AI model (ChatGPT or Copilot). Ask follow-up questions that may arise to help you gain a more conceptual, high-level understanding of neural networks.

Medical Diagnostics:

  • How can neural networks be used to analyze medical images (such as X-rays or MRIs) and assist doctors in diagnosing diseases like cancer or identifying anomalies?

Natural Language Processing (NLP):

  • In what ways do neural networks power language models like chatbots, virtual assistants, and machine translation systems? How do they understand context and generate human-like responses?

Autonomous Vehicles:

  • What role do neural networks play in self-driving cars? How do they process sensor data (from cameras, lidar, radar) to make real-time decisions and navigate safely?

Recommendation Systems:

  • How do neural networks personalize recommendations on platforms like Netflix, Amazon, or YouTube? What challenges exist in balancing user preferences and avoiding filter bubbles?

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