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It really can help sometimes to pause and reflect on what is important to you.
Take a moment to watch the following video (12:16) and think about if any of those aspects you identified above are present in the video. Warning the video is a little bit spicy but you know I have to keep it on brand (unfiltered ID). 

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🍵Spilling the tea about faculty🍵

I've been called out before for my unfiltered perspective of working with faculty as a higher education ID. Let me be clear, it's not all bad. There is nothing better than the magic of a partnership between an ID and faculty member when ultimately you know the students are benefiting. I just want to let folks know that depending on many factors, it can be a challenge.


I'm encouraged by the "time in the sun" of instructional design, especially by higher education institutions. What I saw as a higher education ID however when COVID-19 hit wasn't good design, it's what I call "panic-gogy". The emergency remote teaching often threw out accessibility initiatives, scaffolding, and basic user experience. I hope that now that more are using online learning, there is a call to improve and again make sure students are supported. 

So what do higher education IDs do? Obviously, it may differ from institution to institution but you will likely find yourself:

Higher education may be a good fit for you if...

So what's the TL;DR for higher education? I think it's a great fit for people who are formally educated in ID or looking to get formally educated in ID. Many universities offer free or reduced tuition to employees. That is the primary reason I worked at the institution I did so I could get my education paid for. Also, higher education usually has a decent work-life balance and is pretty open if you consult on the side. I found as a higher education ID I had plenty of energy at the end of the day so I could go to school at night and also consult on the side. In my experience, the pace is decently slow with ebbs and flows in accordance with the academic semester. Even when the academic semester was kicking off, I found it easy to balance the demands. It's a great starter role and if you can move up in higher education, maybe you can change the world ;) 

Corporate ID

So what do corporate IDs do? Obviously, it may differ from institution to institution but you will likely find yourself:

Corporate may be a good fit for you if...

So what's the TL;DR for corporate? Corporate offers you a chance to often "own" the learning experience from start to finish which can be very rewarding. With that though comes the need to often manage your own projects (yes plural as you often are working on a couple of projects at the same time) which can be a challenge for new IDs. You will also need to keep your learning technology skills sharp as the variability of tools and ways ID is approached differs from organization to organization. The "good" standard will vary and while you may have tools and processes that works at one organization, another organization it may not work for. I do think after COVID-19, corporate has gotten better overall with work-life balance as many corporate IDs can work mostly remote or fully remote. Corporate roles often pay more than higher education roles too.