Publication Information
SeriesK-12 Blended Teaching
LicenseCC BY

K-12 Blended Teaching: FCS

EdTech Books

EdTech Books

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, , & (n.d.). K-12 Blended Teaching: FCS. EdTech Books.
Natalie Hancock

Brigham Young University

Natalie is an Associate Teaching Professor and Director of the Family and Consumer Sciences Education program at Brigham Young University. She holds an MEd from the University of Utah State University in Educational Leadership and Policy with an emphasis in K-12 administration.
Christina Lewis
Christina has been an educator for five years. She has a bachelor's degree in Family and Consumer Science Education and a master's in Educational Leadership, both degrees from Brigham Young University. She has also worked as an Innovative Learning Coach and has an Instructional Coaching endorsement. Christina currently teaches at Brigham Young University.
Michelle Jensen

Alpine School District

Michelle is an Innovative Learning Coach in Alpine School District and holds an MEd from Utah State University in Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences and a PhD from BYU in Instructional Psychology & Technology.

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