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Learning Management Systems

Choosing the Right Path For Your Organization


This book explores main concepts and topics involved in the process of managing Learning Management Systems (LMS) in corporate or educational settings. Definitions, features and characteristics of LMSs are introduced to familiarize the reader with the content. Types of LMSs are also covered in order to assist current and prospective instructional designers to identify and select an optimal LMS solution for their organization. Additionally, key stakeholders as well as the usability of the LMS will be crucial in the adoption and maintenance of the software, thus, another important topic discussed in this book. Furthermore, processes such as LMS selection, implementation and evaluation are explored in this book to provide an overview of the steps to be taken before, during and after an LMS adoption.

Table of Contents

This book explores main concepts and topics involved in the process of managing Learning Management Systems (LMS) in corporate or educational settings. Definitions, features and characteristics of LMSs are introduced to familiarize the reader with the content. Types of LMSs are also covered in order to assist current and prospective instructional designers to identify and select an optimal LMS solution for their organization. Additionally, key stakeholders as well as the usability of the LMS will be crucial in the adoption and maintenance of the software, thus, another important topic discussed in this book. Furthermore, processes such as LMS selection, implementation and evaluation are explored in this book to provide an overview of the steps to be taken before, during and after an LMS adoption.

EdTech Books

EdTech Books

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URL: https://edtechbooks.org/learning_management_systems

, , & (2020). Learning Management Systems. EdTech Books. https://edtechbooks.org/learning_management_systems
Daisyane Barreto

University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW)

Dr. Barreto is an Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW). She earned her Ph.D. in Learning, Design, and Technology from the University of Georgia. Prior to joining UNCW, she worked as a multimedia developer for non-profit and higher education institutions. She was also a research assistant with Disney Connected Learning in the design of learning games. Prior to working in higher education, Dr. Barreto worked as teacher/media specialist in K-12 schools in Brazil. She also supervised and designed the academic content for digital interactive learning objects for PROATIVA, a Learning Object Creation unit within the Universidade Federal do Ceara in Brazil. Her teaching interests include training pre-service teachers in technology integration and the design and development of multimedia and online technologies for learning. Her primary research interest is in the field of game-based learning. She is also interested in technology integration, multimedia design and production, and online education.

Amy Rottmann

Lenoir-Rhyne University

Amy Rottmann, Ed.D. is an Assistant Professor of Education at Lenoir-Rhyne University and the program coordinator for Lenoir-Rhyne's fully online Master of Arts in Teaching Program. Dr. Rottmann received her doctorate in Educational Leadership: Curriculum, Instruction, and Supervision from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She received her BA in English and MA in Education with a Secondary English focus from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She has also earned a master's certificate in Conflict Management and Resolution from the University of North Carolina Wilmington and another master's certificate in Online Teaching and Instructional Design from Lenoir-Rhyne University. Prior to working at LR, Dr. Rottmann was a high school English teacher. She also served as the Director of the University of North Carolina Wilmington North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program, which provided scholarships and enrichment programming to future K-12 educators. Dr. Rottmann was also the Director of Student Engagement and Recruitment at the Watson College of Education and served as an instructor for their secondary education pre-service teachers. Dr. Rottmann continues to conduct research in the areas of online instruction, social justice, and pre-service teacher experience. She is dedicated to providing effective, efficient, and competency-based online instruction to her students. Dr. Rottmann has also most recently co-designed a series of micro-credentials in Instructional Design.

Salena Rabidoux

West Coast University

Salena holds a BA in English and Political Science with a Math Emphasis, a BA endorsement in K-12 Education, and an MA in Educational Technology and Instructional Design from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI. Her passion for andragogy and learning experience design blossomed during her tenure of teaching, which drove her move to higher education. Salena has designed and taught undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate courses using multimodal platforms. Her accomplishments in teaching, instructional design, and eLearning have been recognized locally, nationally, and internationally. 

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