

Start every chapter with a bit of text without a particular heading, summarizing "en deux mots" what the main ideas of the chapter are. This is different from the objectifs, which is more specifically what readers will be able to do after reading this chapter.

Heading (Use the style "Heading 2")

Use in-text citations (Law 2023). For now, put terms in bold at their first appearance. Later we can use the Glossary function if that gets fixed.

1) Put numbered examples in a Block Quote?

If you want, you can use the other styles for subheadings. This is the "Heading 3" style


🛈 Information : This is the style I used in Grammaire Ouverte for extra information that didn't really fit into the main text, for example a tip about capitalizing nationalities only when it's a noun, not an adjective. Not quite sure what we'd use it for in this book.


🌍 Variation : This is the style I used in Grammaire Ouverte for describing dialectal or register variation. Not quite sure how this would work in this book, maybe just to show examples from different French varieties of the phenomenon being discussed.


Vérifier votre compréhension

Short exercises within the chapter that check understanding of the preceding section. Use the Callout Box class "Exercises" to get this color.

  Vérifier votre compréhension

Copy this banner above h5p interactive quizzes (replacing the traditional "Vérifier votre compréhension" callout box)

Another heading


Mettre en pratique

Longer exercises at the end of the chapter, with data drawn especially from research articles. Use the Callout Box class "Objectives" to get this color.


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