Part 3: Customizing Your Website

You have installed WordPress and added some pages and posts, now what?

Now is when you get to design your site, and then implement that design using themes and plugins. Themes control the look-and-feel of your website. There are 1000s of themes, which support different WordPress functionality (e.g. menu appearance, number of columns, headers, footers). Plugins can be installed to your site to add functionality. For example, the Spectra plugin adds additional blocks that you can use on your pages and posts.

The process for creating a website using WordPress with Full Site Editing includes:

  1. Installing WordPress
  2. Adding placeholder content
  3. Creating a design
  4. Adding any required plugins
  5. Choosing a theme
  6. Editing the theme to align with your design

Steps five and six are iterative and may be done in either order depending on the features of your theme and what your design requires.

Anatomy of a WordPress SiteDesigning your websitePluginsThemesFSE - Creating Your Custom HeaderFSE - Customizing NavigationFSE - Creating Your Landing PageFSE - Customizing Your Blog PagesUsing Customizer to Customize Themes (not Full Site Editing)

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