Vijaya Bhanu Kote

Vijaya Bhanu Kote is a teacher and headteacher living and working in a remote rural location in Andhra Pradesh in India. She has been teaching since 1998 in primary schools, developing learning activities using the agency of her learners and local communities with digital technologies to address local issues of remoteness and rural poverty. Vijaya has been carrying out extended studies of heutagogy in her work settings, promoting learner-centered activities that includes her training teachers with their pupils as a matter of principle and engaging parents and local communities in supporting learning. Vijaya’s work has been recognised and presented internationally as well as in India and she has developed a heutagogy community of practice among teachers and parents that seeks to provide accreditation of the project work undertaken by the group members. She has published her work in Telugu, Hindi and English as a teacher, researcher and freelance journalist and translator.

Publications and Content by Vijaya Bhanu Kote