Tanny Das

Tanny Das is an aspiring educator and research enthusiast currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Education at the Asian University for Women in Chittagong, Bangladesh. She completed her Bachelor’s in Economics with a deep commitment to understanding economic principles and fostering holistic development. Her professional experience includes serving as a Research and Reporting Assistant with ESA, Japan. She is currently engaged as a Research Assistant with Stanford University Graduate School of Business, working on a Tech Adoption project in Bangladesh. Tanny Das is deeply immersed in the realm of economic research with a dual focus that reflects her commitment to addressing societal challenges. One facet of her research centers on sustainable development, particularly exploring the nexus between human capital and global economic dynamics. Again, she harbors a profound interest in Education economics, a field at the intersection of education and economics. She wants to contribute to the development of effective educational policies that promote equitable opportunities and address socio-economic disparities. Her aspiration to contribute to societal well-being is evident in her dedication to addressing economic disparities and promoting inclusive economic growth. Tanny Das emerges as a promising professional with a passion for education, economics, and research, driven by a commitment to making a positive impact on societal challenges.

Publications and Content by Tanny Das