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Ventanas abiertas II

Curso introductorio de español

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EdTech Books

EdTech Books

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DOI: 10.59668/485

URL: https://edtechbooks.org/ventanas_2

, , , & (2023). Ventanas abiertas II (1st ed.). EdTech Books. https://dx.doi.org/10.59668/485
Covadonga Arroyo García

Gettysburg College

Cova Arroyo is a native Spanish-speaker from Asturias, Spain. She has always been fascinated by other cultures and thus decided to complete her Bachelor's Degree in English Studies at the University of Oviedo in northern Spain. Also interested in the process of language acquisition, Arroyo completed her Master's Degree in the Teaching of Languages at the University of Granada, which led to the opportunity to teach her mother tongue at Gettysburg College. Currently, Arroyo is enrolled in a Gender and Diversity PhD program at the University of Oviedo. While in the United States, she has been conducting research on the connections between the teaching of Spanish and gender-neutral language.
María Fernández Pérez

Gettysburg College

A native Speaker from Spain, Lecturer Perez graduated from the University of Seville, Spain and continued her education in Liverpool, England, where she got a Postgraduate Certificate in Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics. Professor Perez has been working in Gettysburg College as lecturer since 2017. Previously, she visited in the spring of 2001 and 2004-2005 sessions. While in Spain, she taught at IUS, a Gettysburg Program in Seville and she is also an experienced teacher of English as a Second Language. She also volunteered to teach Spanish for Immigrants at “Sevilla Acoge,” a program designed to integrate migrants into the language and culture of Spain. She was the Super-administrator at Macmillan English Campus for the Loyola Foundation, a Jesuit institution with four schools in Seville, Malaga and Palmas de Gran Canaria. At the foundation, she was responsible for training teachers, the coordination of native teacher assistants and Implementation of a new bilingual education. She also worked on Study abroad programs for PEC and TILESA and has organized different student exchange programs, with the Loyola School in New York City and other institutions in Illinois and London. In Gettysburg College she is the coordinator for the Span 100 and 200 courses and she is the director of El Centro, a community-based program that helps to tighten the links between the College and the Latinx community in Adams County.
Christopher C. Oechler

Gettysburg College

Christopher C. Oechler, Associate Professor of Spanish at Gettysburg College, holds a Ph.D. in Golden Age Spanish Literature from the Pennsylvania State University and an M.A. in Spanish Literatures and Cultures from New York University in Madrid. Professor Oechler’s research and teaching interests include Golden Age culture, history, and literature, especially theater (on the page and in performance) as well as the continuing appeal of Golden Age texts and plays in the 20th and 21st centuries. He has published articles that emphasize the ideas of performance and history in literary works, and his current research explores the connections between different forms of historical thought and Golden Age plays that dramatize Spain’s national past. He is particularly interested in analyzing the political, cultural, and historiographical implications of staging Lope de Vega’s play Fuente Ovejuna during the years surrounding the Spanish Civil War. Professor Oechler is also currently working with a team of Gettysburg College students to create a virtual-reality model of a seventeenth-century Spanish playhouse, the Corral del Príncipe.
Barbara J. Sommers

Gettysburg College

Originally from Chicago, Illinois, Barbara did her undergraduate work at Gettysburg College, receiving a B.A. in Spanish and Sociology. She earned her M.A. in Spanish Language and Literature from Middlebury College in Vermont. She completed some undergraduate studies at the University of Guadalajara in Mexico, and junior year abroad at the University of New York campus in Madrid, Spain. At the graduate level, Barbara received the King Juan Carlos I Fellowship for Spanish Teachers to study in Spain through a joint program between the University of Minnesota and the University of Madrid. Barbara has also traveled and studied in Puerto Rico, Mexico and Peru. She taught high school Spanish full-time from level one to advanced placement for 16 years before deciding to teach university level Spanish part-time while homeschooling her son. She has taught Spanish at Harrisburg Area Community College, Penn State University, and Gettysburg College. Barbara has also taught English as a Second Language and preparation courses for the GED.
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