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Writing for Learning

A Faculty Guide to Authoring Open Textbooks


This book offers a practical guide for faculty who are writing open textbooks. In addition to basic guidance regarding style, collaboration, copyright, and project management, it shows faculty authors how to situate their open textbooks in a larger instructional design process to support learning. Key concepts addressed include interactivity, multimedia learning, visual design, accessibility, and the relationship of faculty authoring to discipline-based education research and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 

Table of Contents

This book offers a practical guide for faculty who are writing open textbooks. In addition to basic guidance regarding style, collaboration, copyright, and project management, it shows faculty authors how to situate their open textbooks in a larger instructional design process to support learning. Key concepts addressed include interactivity, multimedia learning, visual design, accessibility, and the relationship of faculty authoring to discipline-based education research and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 

EdTech Books

EdTech Books

CC BY: This work is released under a CC BY license, which means that you are free to do with it as you please as long as you properly attribute it.

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The publisher EdTech Books makes no copyright claim to any information in this publication and makes no claim as to the veracity of content. All content remains exclusively the intellectual property of its authors. Inquiries regarding use of content should be directed to the authors themselves.


(2019). Writing for Learning. EdTech Books.
Laura Lohman

Queens University of Charlotte

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