Refining Writing


  1. Exercise: Ask questions to generate supporting sentences (answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. What is a natural resource?
      1. A useful substance that occurs without any human help.
    2. Why is it essential to understand them?
      1. Knowing the difference between a renewable and non-renewable natural resource helps us to understand environmental issues.
    3. What are the different types of natural resources?
      1. There are many types, like fossil fuels, metals, sunlight, air, and water.


  1. Exercise: Revise for unity

    1. The aftermath of an earthquake is more dangerous than the earthquake itself. When an earthquake occurs, the shaking causes problems with existing buildings and construction (United States Geologic Survey, n.d.). For example, gas lines may break because the ground around them shifts, and broken gas lines are extremely dangerous to people. Gas lines smell terrible when they are broken. Other dangers after an earthquake include landslides and tsunamis. The sudden energy of the earthquake sends either land or water moving, and anything in the path can be destroyed (USGS, n.d.). Earthquakes can have more energy than hurricanes. Tidal waves from tsunamis can swallow entire countries in the Pacific. When compared to the dangers directly associated with the earthquake, we can see that the aftermath is also important to be prepared for.
    2. One cause of pollution is huge factories. In the factories we produce thousands and thousands of different things for humanity. The biggest factories are in the food, petroleum, forest, auto, and pharmacy industries. Factories burn coal, petroleum, and wood. Having many factories would not be a problem if they used different energy. The problem is that no matter what kind of combustible material we are talking about, all of them pollute our air. They also are difficult forms of energy to replace so we will have less fuel in the future. Pollution has been a part of earth even millions of years ago but not the amount of contamination that we now observe. The Earth's ozone layer has started to thin because of the monumental measure of harmful substances in the air. The factories emit into the air harmful chemicals, and every single one of these substances is poisoning the air. Huge factories are in some ways useful for humans but also harmful to the environment and pollute the air.


  1. Exercise: Identify logical order of sentences

    1. B, E, D, A, C
  2. Exercise: Insert a sentence

    1. 2
  3. Exercise: Identify misplaced sentences

    1. Two sentences need to be moved (In order to become infected, either bacteria or viruses have to enter the body. The skin prevents this from happening most of the time, as we encounter thousands—if not millions—of germs every day.) because they explain the topic sentence in more detail before giving the specific examples.
  4. Exercise: Revise for cohesion (answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. The languages spoken in Haiti and the Dominican Republic are one evidence of their distinct cultures. On one side of the island, they speak French, while on the other side they speak Spanish. Interestingly, both of these languages were imported, and they are both "...the result of centuries of European colonization and numerous power struggles" (Silver, 2010, para. 3). The indigenous people of the island originally spoke Taino. However, France and Spain both established colonies, bringing their languages with them. Due to these new influences, most of the native Taino language was conquered. Although there are a few words of Taino that remained in Spanish like huracán (tornado) and maíz (corn) (Reichard, 2017). Both sides of the island are certainly distinct because they now have different languages.
  5. Exercise: Identify connectors

    1. giving examples and additions
    2. additions
    3. contrast

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